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Nelson Chiropractic Services

In addition to expert chiropractic service, we offer several additional therapies to provide you with the highest quality care. Your doctor may add one or more to your treatment plan for the best outcome.

Massage therapy—Working on muscles allows chiropractic adjustments to function better. Pain can originate specifically from muscles, so chiropractic and massage work great together.

Physiotherapy—For long-term health, it’s important to stretch and strengthen the core and different muscles. This helps improve the function of the spine and maintain it for a lifetime.

Electric Muscular Stimulation—Uses focused electric currents to decrease pain and reduce tension in the muscles before and after adjustment.

Thermography—We do whole-body heat screening to detect problem areas. Can also do specific scans for conditions such as breast cancer.

Pregnancy Chiropractic—Pregnant moms may experience pain and discomfort as their pregnancy progresses. Special adjustment techniques can help ease the pain and make labor and delivery easier.

Pediatrics—Birth is a traumatic experience, and growing up can be too. Checking your children at birth, and while they grow, helps correct any misalignments they have now in order to prevent future problems.

Shockwave Therapy—Shockwave is an advanced shock wave device which spreads energy to a large area of both superficial and deep tissue soliciting a biological response to initiate the body’s natural healing process.

ART—Active Release Technique is a myofascial release technique that focuses on soft tissue work.

Neuropathy Treatment—Non-Medication Treatment for Neuropathy and Chronic Nerve Discomfort is Available

Metabolic Health—Scientific Breakthrough to Reverse Aging, Neutralize Stress & Barricade Disease NATURALLY!

Auto Accidents—If you’re in an automobile accident, chances are you’ll likely suffer trauma from whiplash. Symptoms don’t always show up immediately; getting checked out by our doctors now may prevent serious problems later. We handle all the claim paperwork for you!

Knee Pain Support—Blueprint to Knee Pain Nutritional Support Kit is designed to optimize nitric oxide (NO) levels in the body as well as reduce inflammation in the knee and increase the nutrients that support joint health.

Plantar Fasciitis—The inflammatory process known as Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot and heel pain. If you are a person who does a lot of standing and/or activity on your feet, you could be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis.

Working Together For You

Our doctors collaborate to ensure we provide you with the best care possible. That may include several different chiropractic techniques, as well as adjunct services. We’ll make sure your care plan is the right one for you.

Nelson Chiropractic Services | (563) 359-9541